Ali Mian

Creative / Art Director

Storytel / Get the full story

Digital-first audiobook service provider Storytel, who by no means were strangers to automation, sought NoA Elevate with the ambition to inject some creativity into their ads produced through Dynamic Creative Optimisation. The scope was three separate “mini-concepts” who all had to make use of various DCO tools but with a non-typical for DCO creative twist.

For the first concept Storytel wanted to produce ads which highlighted their core product: audio. Knowing that audio-first ads aren’t typically the way to go on paid social channels, we thought of a concept that would coax the audience into turning their audio on.

For this execution we tapped into Storytel’s vast library of audiobook previews (prelistens?) that the audience could choose to hear if they turned their ads audio on. We did this by transcribing the preview’s audio but hid certain keywords behind cloze text captions.

The templates for Meta were made using third-party design tool The data feed consisted of Market (for logotype), Copy for cloze text, audiobook preview, audiobook cover, as well as AI-generated background illustrations to match the genre of the selected audiobook.

Hundreds of automated ads produced across growth markets where these ads outperformed always-on ads in 8 out of 9 markets.